Today is my 23rd birthday. It's a good time to reflect on the things that have happened in the last year.
Anyone who knows me well knows I don't like to celebrate my birthday. I tend to just go out and eat a meal with friends, but I'd rather just skip over the day. I think it's the fear of being another step closer to old.
A year ago today I spent the day working on coursework and attended a client meeting with my Group Design Project team. I was living in Southampton and hadn't actually decided what I was going to do after university.
In the time since, I:
- Ran my first marathon
- Ran a 52km ultramarathon
- Got a Master's degree in Computer Science and graduated
- Visited Tenerife with my brother
- Reduced my belongings down to one bag
- Started travelling in south east Asia, visiting Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, Hoi An and Phuket
- Started a consulting company
- Started training for an ultramarathon
- Broke my 5km time
I went out for drinks with the WIP gang in Chiang Mai. They surprised me with a cake!
So I think, all-in-all pretty good. The last year has been a pivotal point, as I've moved from one stage of my life to another. I hope the next year is just as exciting!