
Following on from my previous posts for my twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth birthdays, here is my recap of my twenty-ninth year on Earth.

In the last year, I have:

  • come 2nd place in the Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 50km
  • visited Vuurtoreneiland for Sanne's birthday
  • been to Sicily
  • did a tour of the UK with my parents-in-law
  • visited Scotland for the first time
  • run around Ullswater Lake in the Lake District, UK
  • run a 10km PB of 35:26
  • run a marathon on a 400m running track
  • run a 2:48:12 marathon in Amsterdam
  • run a 2:57:19 marathon in Malaga on my birthday
  • started going to the gym regularly