The next two months

I am writing this post with just over a week left living in my house in Southampton, UK. I finished my university exams at the end of May and I've been living in this city for 4 years. It's been a crazy time but it seems to have flown by. My lease is nearly up so I'm moving back home to my parents' for about 2 months. From mid-August, I'll be packing everything I own into 1 rucksack and nomading around South-East Asia. I have several things to do before I leave.

I want to see as many of my family as I can -- I don't know when I'll be back in the UK but it could be quite some time. I'd also like to see my brothers a bit more as I haven't really seen them since I moved away to university.

I'm doing a 50km run with my family and friends. We came up with the idea of it after being inspired by some ultra-marathons so it's our attempt to do something crazy. It'll also be my final event with these guys before I head off. I'm feeling good about it and I know it will be a good challenge for us all. I might also enter a half-marathon with my dad to try and set a PB.

I need to find a good travel rucksack and pack my belongings. Thankfully, I've been living minimally for the past 5 years and I'm moving back with just two boxes and a bike. Most of the stuff I own will be coming with me so that makes everything a lot easier.

Finally, I need to book flights from London to Bangkok. The prices have been quite consistent recently and I've found even cheaper ones if I fly to Oslo first.

I'll write another post about why I am leaving the UK to work & travel -- it might get quite in-depth.

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Jamie Larson